Cruz Andronico Fernandez, new Editor of COSGRRRL’s digital magazine

COSGRRRL has found its new editor!

Cruz Andronico Fernandez: father, nerd, creator, human

Cruz Andronico Fernandez
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2021


Hola, fellow nerds and geeks! Please, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Cruz Andronico Fernandez, and I am extremely stoked to announce I’m the new editor of COSGRRRL!

I’ve been doing a deep dive on as much COSGRRRL as I can. I started with Issue #1 (I totally remember coming across “Canon: Why it matters, and why it doesn’t” by Stephen MacNeil and then reading all of Issue #1 of COSGRRRL, way back when they first dropped!) and have been working my way towards the most current posts. Reading all of that content, and seeing how amazing it is that Marjorie wrangled such a talented stable of writers (not to mention contributing some amazing poetry and essays herself!), I realize I have some seriously big shoes to fill. I’m a bit nervous about that, but I’ll do my best.


I’m just a dude who loves sci-fi and believes in the power of love. Seriously.

I’m a dad.
I’m a musician.
I’m a filmmaker.
I’m writer.
I’m a human.
I am.

At this stage in my journey, I don’t know how else to honestly answer that question.


I’ve got no fucking clue. You’d have to ask her that yourself.

I guess, technically, I have some experience in publishing. In college, I was the editor of the opinion page on the campus paper. I was a reporter and photographer for the local newspaper, briefly. I have a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing for Entertainment and a master’s degree in Entertainment Business.

However, I’d like to believe that she chose me because I’m an old-school nerd. Star Trek’s my jam, yo! I remember seeing “The Voyage Home” in the theater as a little kid. Not long after, I began watching TNG with my dad. As a teenager, “Deep Space Nine” (DS9) asked a lot of the questions I was beginning to contemplate about the Roddenberryian future I had grown up believing in, but couldn’t reconcile with the world I was living in.

Fathers seem to be the custodians of sci-fi. My dad was the one who planted the seeds of wonder in my young mind. I remember him reading Stephen Hawkins’ A Brief History Of Time to me as a very young kid. When I was old enough to read on my own, I remember reading his copy with fascination. My young mind would never be the same.

I lived with my mom, and when we moved from the Bay Area to the Central Valley and on my Dad’s weekends, he and I would race to his apartment in the Bay Area to watch The X-Files. We were obsessed with the alien conspiracy and monsters of the week. Tombs was the scariest. I even started my own personal X-Files. I filled it with information I’d print out from the internet. I wanted to be Mulder. Still do; The truth is out there, and I still want to believe, yo!

I love sci-fi. I believe it can guide humanity toward a more peaceful and loving future. Just look at the word…

Science Fiction

Let’s break it down. Science is the search for truth. Fiction is a creative interpretation of reality in search of personal truth.

Reality and imagination
Yin, Yang
Science Fiction is the question,
what if?

I love this shit.

I could go on for days, but in the words of the greatest philosopher in all of time and space, George Carlin, “I sense I’ve gone too far.”

Either way, I’m here now. COSGRRRL is going to continue to be awesome, despite me not having a clue what I’m doing. Luckily, ya’ll got a bunch of talented writers ready to feed your eye holes with language symbols. My job is to not get in their way.

I hope I can bring something new to the table as well. I’m a musician, so I plan on focusing on different aspects of music as it relates to sci-fi and pop culture. With that in mind, I’d love to start exploring the connections between Hip-Hop and comic book culture. “Wu-Tang: An American Saga” is deep into the second season. I’d love to post some reviews of that amazing series.

As I’m writing this, it is only days till Halloween. I love this time of year. I love a good scare. I love horror. I’d love to look into doing some essays or reviews on sci-fi horror. How does the horrific side of our beloved genre of peace and hope hold up when the darkest parts of humanity swallow the light?

I’ve got so many ideas!!!

Before I get to work, I want to say how absolutely grateful I am to Marjorie for this opportunity. I’ll do my best not to fuck it up.


